Humour: My real Saviour

Life has its ups & downs and every one of us has had some tragedy in the past or might face one in the future. Sadness creeps in the life of every human being and when there is a big mishap, one feels as if the walls are clamping down upon him and there might not be a way out. Those who do not find a way out turn bitter, cynical, anti-social etc and those who brave the world and find a way out are the survivors. Every survivor has a way out; mine is humour.

I have always believed that humour is the best shield for every attack and recently Joan Rivers echoed the same thoughts on the talk show 'Parkinson'. I came along these interesting words by her while browsing through her site.

"The first rule of survival is: Make your own rules. The hell with what anyone thinks about the way you're acting; listen only to yourself. And while listening, remember the words of Nietzsche: 'Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger.'"

--from Bouncing Back [source:]

There is an age-old saying that 'time heals all wounds', but that is not true in all cases … my answer to the healing process is 'laughter'. Laugh and spread the laughter! Gloominess can never get you through life; humour will.

I crack jokes all the time - it seems as if I don’t have a serious side at all but I do. People read my poetry and go 'oh, that’s serious stuff, I never thought you can be sad', and then they wonder if I just put up a fake front by this cheerfulness. The truth is slightly different. Yes I too have suffered pain in my life – immense pain. But I found my relief – in humour. I would not have survived the calamities in my life if it wasn't for the people around me who made me laugh - my sorrows drowning out in the waves of laughter. Happiness encompasses the heart when one heartily laughs and the tribulations are sent packing to the deep recesses of your mind.

If we let ourselves get entangled in the web of desolation, we will be ensnared by unhappiness. Do not let yourself be victimized by the gloom in life, this will just suck the blood out of your body and make you a zombie. Humour is the ideal weapon to break the chains of misery – it sets you free from the worries and makes you smile.

This might sound like a cliché but life only comes once so do not drown yourself in the quicksand of unhappiness because that only causes depressions. I've always enjoyed a brightly coloured picture more than a classic black & white shot - depression makes one see life in black or white, never in a myriad of colours. Do not let the colours go out of your life! It is the highest form of injustice - to the people around you, to the world and most importantly to YOURSELF.

Humour cleanses my mind; dwindling away the numbness that lies there due to numerous worries. Shedding tears makes us feel lighter; laughter makes us free. Free from pain, from sorrows, from self-pity, from all the negative vibes encircling us. The wounds of life might not heal properly, the scars wont go away but laughter is the best medicine and it sure makes the scar relatively less visible.

When I make someone laugh, it brings me tremendous joy. And when I laugh myself, it brings me freedom. Happiness lies in life's little joys, let us spread the bits & pieces of joy and while we are at it, keep some for ourselves too. 'Live and let live' to me means … 'laugh and live!'


Sairam said…
mehmiii ...u r my mirror ! keep up the writing ... u will get far !!!
Anonymous said…
Hmm.. that writing was impressive.. kinda time to change my views about you.. hehe.. keep up the good work!
Acro said…
Humor is a best remedy against depression, thats what I know.
KM said…
nicely put!
sometimes ur so satisfied by a piece that u dont need to comment.
it just feels right...thats how i feel about this!

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